So today is Tuesday, September 20, 2022, this is my 6th day in Field Study 1 I am glad to see the grade seven student because they are kind to me.

And because Ma'am Karen is not there, I handled their student I told them to clean their whole classroom and as what the instruction of Ma'am Karen.

the home economic building belonged to their classroom to clean. After Ma'am Karen came to their classroom she felt well because the surroundings are clean.

After a few seconds, she starts the start the exam. The student is very noisy because they are not knowing their exam even though Ma'am Karen discuss it clearly. Ma'am Karen told me to teach their student when their student needs help.

After 1st period I talk Ma'am Karen that I'm going out of the school because my co-groups have a Title defense for our Action Research. After we finish our defense, I go back again to school at Magnaga to log out.

after that I with my group in Action research meet again to work on our Action Research because it is pending according to the panelist, and we need to pass our paper by five pm. and I'm so sad about that happening. 


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