My Journey in my Field Study 1 at Magnaga National High School

            Good morning to all of us especially to my very active, and smart program head no other than Mr. Mharfe Micaroz. By the way, I am Michael Joseph D. De Alfonso, a BSED mathematics student in kolehiyo Ng Pantukan. I live in upper Lahi, Magnaga Pantukan Davao de Oro.

            This is my first day in Field Study 1. I woke up early to go to school where I was assigned. Since today is Monday, I  need to attend the flag ceremony. I'm really excited because this is the beginning of my field study. When I got there, I  felt so happy and excited but I'm nervous at the same time. I was assigned to Magnaga National High School together with my other classmates and my friend Rustom Carlo Otacan. Because we don't know yet As to who is our cooperating teacher, we still waiting for our Action research Coordinator So that he can endorse us and so that we would know who is our Cooperating teacher. Since we already know who our cooperating teacher is, my partner, Hanna Grace Malicse and I entered the classroom of our cooperating teacher. The name of our cooperating teacher is none other than Ms. Karen Y. Matas. Ma'am Karen started teaching her students. After that, she called us to introduce ourselves to them. Right after introducing ourselves, we went back and started observing the classroom. We accomplished our task after four hours then I was finally able to go home and start answering the questions in my Field Study 1 book. 

            And the next day I woke up early to go again to Magnaga National High School for the second day of my field study 1. As I usually do. I entered the classroom where Ma'am Karen teach and start observing. Two hours passed and it was recess time. Because there was nothing I could do, I just walk around the campus and observed what Magnaga National High School has. As I walked around the entire campus, I saw how beautiful and progressive their various offices are such as the principal's office, guidance office, and others. After visiting and observing the whole campus, I returned again in the classroom.

            On my third day, in my field study 1,  there were a lot of unexpected moments. My cooperating teacher gave me an opportunity to teach her students how to answer the tasks she gave and check their quizzes as well. After that happen I observed inside the classroom and I saw how different things are aligned within the classroom. 


        On my fourth day in my field study 1, I was able to teach the students who are weak in understanding, especially in Mathematics. I teach them how to answer those questions and how to answer the tasks given by their teacher. And I teach them to write always the examples that their teacher gives so that they have notes to study at their home. I teach them to listen always to their teachers. For when their teachers ask them and give them a short quiz according to their discussion. They can always be ready and easy to answer a quiz. 

          Today is Friday, this is supposed to be my fifth day at Magnaga National High School where I did my field study 1. Since we have an acquaintance party held at our school, so we won't do field study 1. We are going to the acquaintance party at the Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan because it only happens once a year.


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